Recycling water from effluent Greywater for reuse Greywater advocates Greywater Systems Greywater approvals Gardens & Greywater Stormwater harvesting Seawater desalination |
Greywater approvals in your state or territoryEach state has its own complicance regulations regarding greywater treatment and diversion systems. Before going ahead with a greywater system, you should check that the system has approval in your state. Our guide here will help point you in the right direction. Websites for approved greywater treatment systems (GTS) and greywater diversion devices (GDD) in Australia:
Information on approved greywater systems can be found at: VictoriaEPA VIctoria onsite wastewater treatment New South WalesNSW Government Department of Health accredited greywater diversion devices NSW Government Department of Health accredited greywater treatment systems Australian Capital TerritoryThe ACT Government does not provide a list of approved greywater system products, however it provides links from its Think Water website to information about greywater systems approved or accredited in other States and Territories. Northern TerritoryNT Department of Health approved greywater treatment (pdf) and greywater diverter systems (pdf) QueenslandQld Government Department of Local Government and Planning greywater treatment systems South AustraliaDepartment of Health, SA information on both diversion and treatment systems TasmaniaSustainable Living Tasmania information sheet on greywater treatement systems Western AustraliaDepartment of Health WA Approved onsite greywater systems information