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Industry associations

Production Horticulture

Horticulture Australia Limited (HAL) is a not-for-profit, industry-owned company.  It works in partnership with Australia’s horticulture industries to invest in research, development and marketing programs that provide benefit to industry and the wider community.

Irrigation Australia Limited (IAL) represents all nationally and regionally recognised irrigation industries and provides leadership in the growth and development of all its sectors.

National Program for Sustainable Irrigation (NPSI) invests into research and adoption of sustainable irrigation practices.

Nursery & Garden Industry Australia (NGIA) is the peak industry body for the Australian nursery and garden industry and is responsible for overseeing the its national development.

Turf Producers Australia Limited  

Turfgrass Association of Australia represents turf practitioners and industry bodies Australia wide no matter their size.

Turf Growers Association of Western Australia is active in funding and assisting with research into turf growing and maintenance and members are committed to providing quality products and reliable service.

Turf Producers Australia Ltd is the representative body of the Turf industry comprising levy paying turf producers and individual members Australia wide.

Australian Golf Course Superintendents' Association 

Australian Golf Course Superintendents' Association - Water Management Initiative  

Horticulture Australia – Turf Industry Overview 

International Turfgrass Society

Peak Water Organisations - Australia

Australian Water Association (AWA) is Australia’s peak water industry body, having the largest – and most broadly based – membership, connecting professionals around the country and across all water-related disciplines. AWA has over 4,000 individual, and 700 corporate members nationally.

Stormwater Industry Association (SIA) links the diverse and multi-disciplinary interests of all Australian stakeholders of the Stormwater Industry and represents them at all national forums

IWA Australia connects water professionals worldwide to lead the development of effective and sustainable approaches to water 

Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) is the peak body of the Australian urban water industry.

Peak Water Organisations - International

International Water Association (IWA) connects water professionals worldwide to lead the development of effective and sustainable approaches to water 

American Water Works Association (AWWA) is a international nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and supply.  

Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) provides independent scientific research dedicated to wastewater and stormwater issues.

WateReuse represents an international group of organizations and individuals working together to improve and increase local water supplies

Water Environment Federation (WEF) provides technical and regulatory information for environmental professionals and the public.

Water Quality Association (WQA) in the United States, a not-for-profit international trade association representing the residential, commercial and industrial water treatment industry

Water UK provides information about the U.K. water industry including regulation, water quality, environmental and consumer issues, and research.

Wastewater Treatment Organisations

Waterworld serves the all facets of the water industry around the world, reporting on the latest news, technologies ands projects of interest to a global water audience.

NOWRA National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association is the largest organization within the U.S. dedicated solely to educating and representing members within the onsite and decentralized industry.

Domestic Water Treatment Association (DWTA) UK is an industry backed organisation, dedicated to promoting product and installation quality standards for the chemical water treatment sector.


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